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Automate Plan Quality Verification with PlanCHECK:
Plan checks are a time-consuming task that requires significant experience and expertise to ensure treatment plans are created as intended. An independent and automated solution for physics and dosimetric checks, PlanCHECK™ eases this burden.
Part of the powerful SunCHECK™ Platform, PlanCHECK automatically loads loads patients’ plan files into the Treatment Planning System and performs the plan checks – reducing the time required for this intensive process.
PlanCHECK fits seamlessly within the SunCHECK Patient workflow – providing an all-in-one solution for plan checks, secondary calculations, pre-treatment QA and in-vivo monitoring.
Validate the treatment plan against your department’s requirements, and easily identify deviations with user-defined pass/fail results. Rules -based checks include:
Checks Automatically assess performance of a treatment plan versus treatment. Verify a variety of comprehensive, structure-based checks, including: • Various Dose and Volume Metrics, compared to pre-loaded, editable protocols • Complex dosimetry metrics such as: Conformality Index, Conformation Number, Gradient Index and Gradient Measure for multiple structures, plus Homogeneity Index, Inhomogeneity Index and more.
If you want to read more about PlanCHECK and SunCHECK, take a look at our partner’s website!
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