Gekalibreerde 0,1 Bq/g (10 Bq) gesimuleerde 60Co-stralingsbron voor gebruik met monsterteller Model... Lees verder
Schijfbronnen zijn ontworpen voor gebruik als referentiebronnen in laboratoria, stralingsbescherming, training en onderwijs, beveiliging en opkomende... Lees verder
Alfaschijfbronnen zijn ontworpen voor gebruik als referentiebronnen in laboratoria, stralingsbescherming, training en onderwijs, en... Lees verder
Needle sources are used to generate a point source of radiation inside cloud chambers for demonstrating alpha and beta radiation tracks. Three different types of isotopes are offered, a pure alpha emitter, a pure beta emitter and a combined alpha /beta emitter. The sources are constructed by depositing a small, license... Lees verder
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We now offer a selection of exempt quantity gamma sources encapsulated in standard size test tubes or rods for use with well type radiation detectors.These sources are exempt sources and of nominal activity. The isotope is deposited as a point source in the bottom of the tube and is then sealed with epoxy. Contact one of... Lees verder
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The RSS-3 contains 1 each Po-210, Sr-90 and Co-60 emitting a range of alpha, beta and gamma radiation’s. This set is ideal for demonstration and introductory nuclear labs covering basic characteristics of radiation. The Co-60 is 1.0 uCi and the Po-210 and Sr-90 are 0.1 uCi activity. Contact one of our product... Lees verder
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Designed for gamma spectroscopy, the RSS-8 contains eight different gamma emitting isotopes covering the entire energy range from 32 to 1333 keV. Also included in the set is a mixed source of Cs-137 and Zn-65 which students may use to identify an “unknown” isotope. The set consists of Ba-133, Cd-109, Co-57, Co-60,... Lees verder
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Containing 1 each Cs-137, Co-60, Sr-90, Tl-204 and Po-210, the RSS-5 provides a wide of alpha, beta and gamma emissions making it a popular choice for nuclear science instruction. The set contains two beta emitters, two beta/gamma emitters and one alpha source for in-depth studies of radiation. The Cs-137 is 5 uCi, the... Lees verder
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Disc sources are available in 1″ and 2″ diameter plastic disc with the 1″ being standard and other sizes on special order. The Po-210 alpha source is of open window construction with the source material bonded to the surface of a silver foil mounted in the recess of the plastic disc. This design yields excellent... Lees verder
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