H3R 7000 Airborne Tritium Condenser – SDEC

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The H3R 7000 Airborne Tritium Condenser (SDEC) is an innovative instrument in the field of Tritium in air sampling. It collects samples of Tritium in its vapor form and produces results in less than 40 minutes. The sample obtained can be measured down to a detection limit of 0.01 Bq/m3 by deferred measurement using liquid scintillation.

H3R 7000 Airborne Tritium Condenser SDEC
H3R 7000 Airborne Tritium Condenser SDEC

H3R 7000 Airborne Tritium Condenser features:

  • quick start mode
  • measurement and calculation in real time of the absolute humidity in ambient air in g/m3
  • automatic calculation of trapping time depending on the required water quantitya
  • automatic drying under high temperature of the trapping circuit to avoid a crossed contamination
  • selection of the drying time
  • USB output : data recuperation on USB key
  • thermic printer integrated : printing of data on sticker to place on to sample vial

Read more about the H3R 7000 Airborne Tritium Condenser on the SDEC website


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Datasheet H3R 7000 Airborne Tritium Condenser SDEC

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