Model 602 3-Dimensional Torso Phantom – CIRS

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The Model 602 3-Dimensional Torso Phantom has been developed to deliver an accurate simulation of an average male torso for medical imaging applications. The removable organs enable flexibility in the placement of TLD’s, contrast agents, etcetera. The materials used for the phantom provide optimal tissue simulation in the 40 keV to 20 MeV energy range.

Model 602 3-Dimensional Torso Phantom features:

  • physical density and linear attenuation within 2 percent of actual tissue
  • interstatial voids fillable with water or blood-mimicking fluid
  • removable lungs, heart, liver, pancreas, kidney and spleen
  • phantom lower portion: soft bolus material, 30% adipose and 70% muscle

Read more about the Model 602 3-Dimensional Torso Phantom on the CIRS website


Voor dit product is één download beschikbaar.

Datasheet Model 602 3-Dimensional Torso Phantom CIRS

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