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The Sun Nuclear Dual Energy Characterization CT Phantom with Gammex technology provides users with the ability to perform Quality Assurance for Dual Energy CT analysis of Iodine and Calcium.
The Phantom consists of a Solid Water disk approximately the size of an average pelvis. A matrix of 16 holes in the disk hold interchangeable rods made of materials containing 7 different concentrations each of Iodine and Calcium. The rods can be positioned as the user chooses.
Scanning the phantom on a periodic basis provides data useful for the QA program related to the detectability range of the Dual Energy CT scanner.
The phantom uses the same base as the Gammex 467 Tissue Characterization Phantom, meaning owners of that phantom can take advantage of the interchangeability of the rods for the 2 products to provide a more economic approach to your Quality Assurance program
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