Model 464-Acts – Software for the ACR CT Accreditation Phantom – Sun Nuclear

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The Software for the ACR CT Accreditation Phantom is designed to be an integral part of the American College of Radiology (ACR) CT Accreditation Program.  The software was developed as an option that can be used to greatly simplify the data recording, storage and comparison.

The software will help medical physicists to significantly reduce their time spent analyzing the results of the scan.  It provides excellent Region of Interest (ROI) positioning precision.

Software for the ACR CT Accreditation Phantom features:

  • Windows XP and Win 7 compatible
  • 32-bit or 64-bit system compatible
  • generate reports and tables
  • high resolution images generated
  • easy to learn and use


Voor dit product is één download beschikbaar.

Datasheet Software for the ACR CT Accreditation Phantom - Gammex

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