Model 115 – Half-Value-Layer Attenuator Sets – Sun Nuclear

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Model 115 half-value-layer attenuator sets (A & H) are used to determine the Half Value Layer (HVL) of the x-ray beam. This is the standard method for specifying the quality of the x-ray beam.

This set is a product from Sun Nuclear (formerly known as Gammex).




Model 115A consists of 99,0% high purity 1100 aluminum alloy. The set has 9 aluminum sheets of 10 x 10 cm (4 x 4 in.).

The thickness of these sheets ranges from 0,1 mm to 2,0 mm. These sheets come in a plastic storage case to help  maintain flatness and for ease of storage and transportation.


Model 115H consists of 99,99% pure aluminum. The set has 6 aluminum sheets of 10 x 10 cm (4 x 4 in.) with a thickness of 0,1 mm

These sheets also come in a plastic storage case to help  maintain flatness and for ease of storage and transportation.


If you want to read more about Fluoroscopy solutions, try this link.


Sun Nuclear Corporation is opgericht in 1984 als een service verlenend bedrijf voor reparatie en kalibratie maar ze zijn uitgegroeid tot een toonaangevend leider in design en fabricage van kwaliteitss...


Voor dit product zijn 2 downloads beschikbaar.

Datasheet Half Value Layer Attenuator Set 115A

Datasheet Half Value Layer Attenuator Set 115H

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