Upgrade your technology with Solid Water HE; the next generation of water mimicking material – Gammex
Pioneered, patented and standardized by Gammex (a Sun Nuclear company), Solid Water High Equivalency (HE) uses advanced technology for improved uniformity and durability, with water equivalency within 0.5% of unity.
next generation of solid water
Solid Water HE is the next generation of solid water by Gammex. It is designed for both therapy and imaging with improved uniformity and durability in mind. Solid Water HE uses new nano-spheres to create homogeneous slabs while mimicking true water.
Each slab of Solid Water HE comes with a Certificate of Conformance which includes, measured density, measured thickness, ionization measurements, calculated electron densities, calculated effective atomic number and elemental composition.
- wide range of sizes and dimensions
- moldable material for custom requests
- rigid construction eliminates broken ion chambers
- wide range of applications and uses
- standard ranges of thicknesses from 0.1 to 6.0 cm
- ion chamber cavities free from air pockets or voids
- economical
Would you like to know more about Solid Water HE?
Download the datasheet or contact one of our product specialists.
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