ASTRO 2017 24 – 27 September in San Diego: developments in radiotherapy QA, dosimetry and patient positioning – PEO is present!
PEO is present at the 59th edition of the ASTRO 2017, which takes place from September 24th till 27th at the San Diego Convention Center. ASTRO is the world’s most important meeting for the radiation and oncology community. This year, the theme is “The Healing Art and Science of Radiation Oncology.”
PEO would like to discuss the recent developments in radiotherapy QA, dosimetry, patient positioning and immobilization.
PEO would like to meet you at the booth on of our manufacturers:
- Ashland (nr. 538)
- CIRS (nr. 1312)
- Qfix (nr. 735)
- Sun Nuclear Corporation / Gammex (nr. 1536 & 3233)
- Zeiss Intrabeam (nr. 2449)
Sun Nuclear / Gammex
Sun Nuclear also organizes in-booth presentations this year (at booth 1536). Presentations on current topics are given by peers. The SNC team also provides educational talks and gives product demonstrations.
For the full list of in-booth presentations e.g. the new SunCHECK platform and the new SRS / SBRT developments, click here and registration can be done here.
We hope to meet you at the ASTRO in-booth with one of our suppliers!
If you would like to speak to us at a specific time, please email to Peter Dejonge or Luc Kluiters so we can plan it in advance.
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