Government & public safety
Ludlum introduces new compact multi-monitor; Model 3276 frisker / area monitor
The Model 3276 is an ergonomic, versatile instrument that can be used for multiple radiation detection or environmental measurement purposes. Its design allows it to be used as either a frisker or area monitor.
It features the ability to measure radiation in:
- count rate
- exposure rate/dose
- activity rate
- integrated exposure/dose
- time-averaged rates
- scaler counts
The Model 3276 may utilize either internal or external radiation detectors to detect alpha, beta, gamma or neutron radiation.
- medical
- health physics
- nuclear industry
- counting laboratories
Model 3276 characteristics
- wall mountable and portable
- desktop stand (optional)
- display range: 0 cps to 999 kcps, 0 cpm to 999 kcpm, 0 Bq to 999 kBq, 0 µSv/h to 999 Sv/h
- four alkaline ‘’AA’’ batteries
- battery life: +/- 50 hours
- triad calibration software
- Ethernet capability
- SI units
- internal detector options: 1 nSv/h – 0,1 mSv/h (3276/1), 1µSv/h – 10 mSv/h (327/2) 0,01 Sv/h – 100 mSv/h (327/3)
Would you like to know more about the Model 3276 frisker / area monitor?
Download the datasheet or contact one of our product specialists.
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