FilmQA Pro™ Software version 7 – Ashland

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a sophisticated, quantitative analysis tool for Gafchromic™ Film

FilmQA Pro™ software is a sophisticated, quantitative analysis tool specifically designed to simplify and streamline the intensity-modulated radiation therapy quality assurance (IMRT QA). Our software is also effective for QA of SRS, SBRT and VMAT procedures. It allows you to scan or open images of exposed film and calculate the optimized dose maps.


FilmQA Pro™ software uses proprietary multi-channel dosimetry which eliminates or mitigates film and scanner artifacts by detecting whether errors are being made during scanning. In addition,, the software also has the one-scan analysis feature which combines calibration and plan verification in a single scan. The one-scan protocol requires only the patient film, a reference patch, and an unexposed patch. This protocol eliminates error sources such as interscan variability, which enables you to reduce errors to within 2 percent.

With FilmQA Pro™ software, you can get your results in minutes, post-exposure growth no longer is an issue and there is no waiting overnight for changes in the film to diminish. You can do an analysis any time you want, even at a moment’s notice. The software delivers gamma passing rates ≥ 95 percent at 2 percent at 2 mm instead of using 3 percent at 3 mm.

key features and benefits

  • lateral scan correction: apply a correction to compensation for lateral artifacts that can show in the scan
  • new user friendly interface with a quick start menu
  • one-scan protocol: fast and efficient method to achieve dose accuracy within 2%
  • triple-channel dosimetry: use three color channels to optimize accuracy of dose calculations
  • accurately calibrate: an entire lot with just four strips of film using our film-specific mathematical function
  • quick-start screen: easily access the module you need at start-up
  • dose error recognition: ability to identify accuracy of delivered dose
  • superior resolution: get 100 percent of the picture from millions of measurements instead of just 0.1 percent
  • no angular dependence: shoot the film from all angles, an entire plan on a single Gafchromic™ film, and validate the plan in the same way that the patient receives it

FilmQA Pro™ Software carries a CE Mark


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FilmQA Pro Softwarem Datasheet

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