Reference Detector​ – Sun Nuclear

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Interference-Free Dosimetry Scanning

Reference Detector is a patented, out-of-field detector that uses linac head leakage to obtain a reference signal during water tank scanning of photon energies.

Small Field Annuals & Commissioning
The Reference Detector can be used for commissioning measurements of any field size, but it is especially helpful for small fields because it is fully out-of-field and does not impinge on the measurement.

Use it with 3D SCANNER™ for comprehensive commissioning and annual beam scanning.

Easy & Efficient
Reference Detector mounts to the top surface of a supported linac gantry using a non-invasive dual-lock fastener and includes a 2-meter cable with triax connector. Once setup, there is no need to move the detector when changing field sizes.

Sun Nuclear Corporation was founded in 1984 as a provider of third-party repair and calibration service. Sun Nuclear has grown to become a respected leader in the design and manufacture of quality sys...


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Reference Detector, Datasheet

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