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The CIRS Model 040GSE Multi-Purpose, Multi-Tissue Ultrasound Phantom is the most complete solution available for performance and quality testing. It contains nine performance measurements, including grey scale targets, anechoic stepped masses and elasticity targets.
This is the only QA phantom on the market that provides both elasticity targets and all the standard B-mode imaging test objects.
The unique dual attenuation of the background gel allows for evaluation of transducers that range from 2 MHz – 15 MHz. A removable water well and endocavity cover extends the use of the phantom by allowing evaluation of all transducer configurations: linear, curvilinear and intercavity.
All of CIRS’ ultrasound QA phantoms come standard with a robust housing, rugged carry case, 48-month warranty, and a userguide.
If you want more information, go to our partner’s site!
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