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The LIS Noble Gas Monitor (Lab Impex Systems) is an integrated solution for the measurement of the airborne concentration of radioactive (beta emitting) noble gases. The monitor is suitable for process, stack and health physics applications, and comprises detector, shielding, pump, flow sensor and CMS processor.
The heart of the system is the BG-10 scintillation detector. Offering unparalleled sensitivity to noble gases, the BG-10 uses a specially designed plastic scintillation sensor mounted in a flow through measurement chamber.
Read more about the Noble Gas Monitor on the Lab Impex Systems website.
Ultra Electronics acquired Lab Impex Systems on July 17th, 2014. This is a known specialized manufacturer in radiation detection solutions and services for use in the global nuclear industry. Founded...
Il y a un téléchargement disponible pour ce produit.
CMS Noble Gas Monitor Datasheet
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