Multipurpose & Endoscopic Phantom (Model ATS 570) – CIRS

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The Multipurpose and Endoscopic Phantom (Model ATS 570) is an easy, comprehensive means of evaluating imaging systems over the full range of clinical imaging frequencies (2 MHz to 18 MHz).

The phantom has a combination of monofilament line targets for distance measurements and tissue mimicking target structures of varying sizes and contrasts. Due to the acoustic similarity of the background material and the target structures, artifacts caused by distortion, shadowing and enhancement have been eliminated

Multipurpose and endoscopic phantom, model ATS 570 CIRS
Multipurpose and endoscopic phantom, model ATS 570 CIRS

Four grey scale targets ranging in contrast from +6 to -3 dB evaluate the system’s displayed dynamic range and grey scale processing performance. This model offers a new and improved scan surface design for easily accommodated endoscopic probes and mechanical sector probes.


  • Testing uniformity
  • Depth of penetration
  • Beam profile, focal zone, lateral response width
  • Vertical measurement calibration linear
  • Axial and lateral resolution
  • Horizontal measurement calibration sector
  • Contrast resolution
  • Greyscale contrast sensitivity
  • Dead zone assessment

If you want to read more about this model, take a look at our partner’s website!



There is one download available for this product.

Multipurpose & endoscopic phantom, model ATS 570, CIRS, datasheet.original

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