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The Gammex 330 Digital kV, Dose and Time Meter is a test device for quality control and acceptance testing in radiographic, mammographic and fluoroscopic x-ray systems. Digital kV, Dose and Time Meter features:. includes digital display of the quantity PPV (pratical peak voltage) according to IEC 61676 compact and... Read more
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The Model 9DP Ion Chamber Survey Meter is a highly sensitive pressurised ion chamber meter. It doesn’t only provide a measurement of exposure, but also of exposure rate. The meter measures and displays data conform the ICRU (International Commission on Radiation Units) tissue equivalent. AMBIENT DOSE EQUIVALENT.... Read more
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Ludlum designed the Model 9DP-1 Ion Chamber Survey Meter for radiography work where pulsed fields are being measured. This instrument correctly integrates 50 nanosecond pulses (and wider) that other systems typically miss or measure incorrectly. The detector chamber is only pressurised to 1,36 atm (20 psi). The device has... Read more
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The MiniTRACE S5 is a contamination meter designed to improve the safety of workers in all different kinds of fields. It’s very sensitive and responds within a second. Because the device is very user-friendly, it’s very easy to detect possible spots of contamination in the controlling areas. The 6-digit display... Read more
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The Tracerco T202 dose rate monitor provides key operational features like peak dose rate memory and personal dose integration. Tracerco designed the monitor specifically to combine intrinsic safety with robust and reliable characteristics. The monitor is suitable for all kinds of markets like: Oil and gas First... Read more
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