Continuous Air Monitor – SmartCAM (Alpha & Beta) – Ultra Electronics

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The Ultra Energy SmartCAM is a next-generation Continuous Air Monitor (CAM) that provides the user unparalleled performance in terms of its detectable limit, sensitivity and speed to alarm. The SmartCAM utilizes state-of-the-art Spectral Measurement Analysis in Real Time (SMART) Technology, that provides real advances in alpha measurement techniques. Using an isotope peak fitting algorithm proven to be more accurate than regions-of-interest or tail-fitting methods, results are faster, more accurate and more reliable than ever.


In operation, the SmartCAM continually monitors alpha and beta particulates deposited on a static filter with a high-efficiency detector. Air is drawn through the filter by an external wall mounted vacuum pump or distributed vacuum main.

Continuous Air Monitor – SmartCAM Features:

  • Large color touchscreen display.
  • Measurement of alpha and/or beta particulate.
  • Allows the user to identify air concentration by isotope or as gross alpha.
  • Detachable head assembly for remote monitoring.
  • Full alpha spectral analysis with unique radon-thoron peak fitting algorithm.
  • Improved measurement quality as a result of alpha spectrum stabilization, by means of continuous air pressure and temperature measurement.
  • Fixed filter or moving filter configurations available.


There is one download available for this product.

Continuous Air Monitor SmartCAM - Ultra Electronics - Datasheet

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