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Digital Meter 3He Proportional Detector Moderator: 19.5 cm (7.7 in.) dia. Sensitivity (241AmBe): 4.5 cpm per µSv/h (45 cpm per mrem/hr) or 10 cpm per µSv/h (100 cpm per mrem/hr) Range: 0 to 99.9 mSv/h (0 to 9.99... Read more
Features. Integrated LCD and Touch Screen Display Acute and Chronic Dose, Concentration, and Flow Logging Measurements Radon Compensation Built-In Gamma Guard... Read more
Perfect for quantitative volumetric analysis. A RayMon10 handheld gamma detector with a radbeaker. This enables users to use it with distributed (soil, building material sample, liquid waste) and point (air sampling filters, calibration sources) source... Read more
Rugged CZT-based isotope detector. Rugged handheld easy to grip RayMon10 tablet, with a GR1 gamma-ray detector spectrometer enabling users to detect, measure and accurately identify gamma-ray emitting radionuclides, providing high-resolution isotope... Read more
As the successor to our renowned UCS20, the UCS30 Universal Computer Spectrometer is engineered to provide superior flexibility and enhanced capabilities. We offer three models, each equipped with 1024, 2048, or 4096 channels of conversion gain, allowing you to tailor your choice to your specific needs and... Read more
The Detective-X Trans-SPEC is a complete spectroscopy range with an integrated auxiliary application spectroscopy computer using MAESTRO-Pro (including), GammaVision, Isotopic and other applications via WiFi, Ethernet and USB connections. The instrument is an extension of the Detective-X plateform and uses a high-speed... Read more
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Handheld Isotope Identification Instrument RIID. The RT-30 Mk II is the second generation of popular handheld gamma ray spectrometer RT-30. Strengths of the first generation were copied in the new model. There has to be highlighted a strong alloy body sealed against dust and water, protective removable rubber boot,... Read more
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Spectroscopic Personal Radiation Detector. The Ludlum Model 70 Series are high resolution CZT-type detectors that deliver unparalleled performance in express radionuclide identification and radiation dose assessment from low to moderate-high levels. Each instrument is accompanied by GalaxRayWiz software, a powerful tool... Read more
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A Scintillation Detector model 905 produces a pulse of light that is converted to an electric pulse by a photomultiplier tube (PMT). The PMT consists of a photocathode, a focusing electrode, and 10 or more dynodes that multiply the number of electrons striking at each dynode. A chain of resistors typically located in a... Read more
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SpectroTRACER is a continuous environmental radiation monitor for spectroscopy to measure very low gamma contamination (water: SpectroTRACER... Read more
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