Model L-601, L-618, L-619 Fluoroscopic Resolution Test Tools

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The Fluoroscopic Resolution Test Tools provide a quick general check on image intensifier or digital video system resolution. The test tool is an acrylic plate containing eight groups of copper and brass mesh screening. Three models are offered (see table below), each with different resolutions for standard, medium, and high-resolution ranges covering from 20 up to 150 lines per inch (LPI). Clearly marked sections of the tool identify the number of lines of wire mesh per inch in that segment. The mesh screens are purposely arranged in a non-sequential rotation pattern to permit better visualization of the sometimes subtle changes in mesh thickness.

Ludlum Medical Physics is onderdeel van Ludlum Measurements Inc. en focust zich op stralingsveiligheid en medische beeldvorming QA. De unieke productlijn is er volledig op gericht om in de behoeften...