Visit PEO at the NVS / NVKF Spring Symposium 2016 ‘Radiation Safety in Hospitals’
PEO Radiation Technology is present at the NVS / NVKF Spring Symposium in Nieuwegein on March 11, 2016. This year the event is organized by the NVS (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Stralingshygiëne) in collaboration with the NVKF (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Klinische Fysica).
In the context of ALARA we have made a selection of our measuring instruments in the field of radiation safety in hospitals.
PEO put in focus:
Tracerco Personal Electronic Dosimeter PED Blue
Southern Scientific Radhound multipurpose radiation monitor for radiation safety and contamination with dual scaler for simultaneous alpha, beta and gamma monitoring
Ortec Detective portable electrically cooled HPGe based isotope identification instrument
Georadis robust RT-30 gamma-ray spectrometer with nuclide identification
Saphymo MiniTRACE S5 survey meter for alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray measurements
Kromek GR1 high-performance CZT gamma-ray spectrometer for fast and accurate nuclide identification directly via USB
Ludlum Model 375 P-336 flexible radiation monitor for multiple waste and environmental monitoring applications
Ludlum Model DP9* Ambient Dose Ion Chamber Survey Meter
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