Models 18023 & 18043 Xsight Lung tracking Phantom Kit & 4D Planning Phantom – CIRS

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The Models 18023 & 18043 Xsight Lung tracking Phantom Kit & 4D Planning Phantom have been designed for QA and E2E testing on Cyberknife systems.

Models 18023 & 18043 Xsight Lung tracking Phantom Kit & 4D Planning Phantom features:

  • validated and verified by Accuray (Cyberknife)
  • execute E2E software analysis of the films (without CT number adjustment)
  • visualize 4D treatment optimization using the MultiPlan System
  • display detected respiratory motion of tissue-simulated lung, torso tumor and critical structures with Synchrony System
  • use Xsight Spine Tracking System for initial phantom alignment

Xsight Lung tracking Phantom:

  • represents an average human thorax in proportion, shape and composition
  • pre-programmed motion controller, surrogate platform and motion actuator box for linear target motion
  • 3D anthropomorphic spine with cortical and trabecular ribs, bone and lung lobes
  • Lung Ball Cube Rod with tumor-simulating target and radiochromic film

4D Planning Phantom:

  • rotating (manual) trabecular bone-equivalent spine with film insert
  • can be interchanged with the XLT body and connected to the motion actuator box
  • modified phantom body with lung lobes and spine
  • high-density Lung Ball Cube Rod with tumor-simulating target and radiochromic film

Read more about the Models 18023 & 18043 Xsight Lung tracking Phantom Kit & 4D Planning Phantom on the CIRS website


Il y a un téléchargement disponible pour ce produit.

Xsight Lung Tracking Phantom Kit and 4D Planning Phantom Models 18023 and 18043, Datasheet

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