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Sun Nuclear’s (formerly Gammex) CT Perfusion Phantom is designed to mimic the injection of a contrast bolus into a region of interest allowing you to generate precise time-attenuation curves.
Designed to mimic injection of a contrast bolus into a region of interest, this Phantom generates precise time-attenuation curves (TAC), of differing velocities, to better monitor your CT Perfusion program, and patients.
Benchmark perfusion rates and TACs for each system for better insights into if future measurements show a true change, or if follow-up results are within the precision error of the measurements.
Use the dose port to optimize imaging and perfusion protocols and results at the lowest possible dose.
Full specifications, benefits and scope in datasheet.
Advanced iq modules link – https://www.sunnuclear.com/products/advanced-iqmodules
CT ACR-464 Phantom link – https://www.sunnuclear.com/products/ct-acr-464-phantom
RapidCHECK Diagnostic QA Software – https://www.sunnuclear.com/products/rapidcheck-software
View Sun Nuclear website: https://www.sunnuclear.com/products/
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