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The Advanced Electron Density Phantom from Sun Nuclear (formerly Gammex) accurately converts CT values to HU or electron density values. It plays an important role in transitioning from diagnosis to a specific treatment protocol. With the Advanced Electron Density Phantom, ICRU-44 matched tissue equivalence, automation and smart design all serve to remove uncertainties from your energy conversions.
Patent-pending rod markers uniquely identify each material in a CT scan and automatically generate CT-to-density tables with capabilities forthcoming in the RapidCHECK™ software. Rod markers eliminate the risk of misplaced rods, rotated phantoms, or incorrect selection of ROIs — further fool-proofing this analysis.
A larger phantom body diameter supports evaluation of cone-beam CT and wide-beam CT scanners, with a removable section to support head and small body protocols.
Phantom base and rods meet medical standards ICRU-44 and ICRP for human tissue densities, giving users additional assurance that the calculation of energy to be put into the patient is highly precise.
Rods within the Advanced Electron Density Phantom mimic water, cortical bone, inner bone, and liver at a high equivalency to medical standards (ICRU-44 and ICRP) for human tissue densities, offering confidence that CT values will be optimally converted to treatment energy values.
RapidCHECK software forthcoming automatically identifies the rods in the CT scan and converts the values. Software image registration further removes human errors by uncovering any discrepancies in the phantom’s position (e.g., rotated or translated head, head rotated relative to the body).
Once completed, easily export results to CSV or Excel.
Advanced iq modules link – https://www.sunnuclear.com/products/advanced-iqmodules
CT ACR-464 Phantom link – https://www.sunnuclear.com/products/ct-acr-464-phantom
RapidCHECK Diagnostic QA Software – https://www.sunnuclear.com/products/rapidcheck-software
View Sun Nuclear website: https://www.sunnuclear.com/products/multi-energy-ct-phantom
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