Model L-706 Patient Penetrometer Kit

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  • Three High-Purity Aluminum Plates
  • One Laminated Lead Stop Plate
  • Four Copper Plates
  • One Resolution Plate
  • Two Sets of Spacing Rods

The Ludlum Model L-706 Patient Penetrometer Kit provides the necessary patient phantom attenuation material to test the exposure rate output of any standard or digital fluoroscopic system. This kit is designed to work with almost all X-ray exposure or multimeter measurement devices.

The three high-purity aluminum plates are used in combinations to simulate the different masses of an adult abdomen, a child abdomen, or an adult chest. Using all three plates represents 26 cm (10.2 in.) of water for a large adult abdomen at 90 kVp. A child abdomen or adult chest is simulated by using one or two of the plates depending on the age of the child and one for the small adult chest. Automatic brightness control at maximum output is evaluated using the lead “stop” plate, which is laminated to ensure the safety of the user.

The resolution plate has four columns of five holes each with hole diameters of the following sizes:

  • Two columns with 6.4 mm, 4.5 mm, 3.2 mm, 2.2 mm, 1.6 mm (0.25 in., 0.176 in., 0.125 in., 0.088 in., 0.0625 in.) holes
  • Two columns with 4.7 mm, 3.2 mm, 1.6 mm, 0.8 mm, 0.4 mm (0.187 in., 0.125 in., 0.0625 in., 0.032 in., 0.016 in.) holes

Typically two of the aluminum plates (one above and one below) are used to measure the contrast gradient of the image systems. Two sets of spacing rods in two different lengths are provided to act as spacers from the X-ray source.


Recommendations from a revision of FDA-CFR-21 [CITE: 21CFR1020.30] indicate that the long-used Patient Penetrometer Plates should be larger by about 3.8 cm (1.5 in.) than the current 17.8 x 17.8 cm (7 x 7 in.) plates, in order to cover the entire X-ray beam during the testing of the X-ray and fluoroscopic systems. Ludlum also offers the Model L-706-21 with a plate size of 21 x 21 cm (8.3 x 8.3 in.).